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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = kalendarze polskie \- 20 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = czasopisma polskie \- 20 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = reklama prasowa \- 20 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = ogłoszenia prasowe \- 20 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = Przemyśl \- czasopisma] OR [Subject and Keywords = pieniądz] OR [Subject and Keywords = monety] OR [Subject and Keywords = banknoty] OR [Subject and Keywords = jednostki miar] OR [Subject and Keywords = podatek] OR [Subject and Keywords = podatek dochodowy] OR [Subject and Keywords = podatki majątkowe] OR [Subject and Keywords = świadczenia społeczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = ubezpieczenia społeczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = zabezpieczenie wierzytelności] OR [Subject and Keywords = hipoteka] OR [Subject and Keywords = poczta] OR [Subject and Keywords = telekomunikacja] OR [Subject and Keywords = telegrafia] OR [Subject and Keywords = kasy oszczędności] OR [Subject and Keywords = informatory] OR [Subject and Keywords = rozkłady jazdy] OR [Subject and Keywords = spisy miejscowości] OR [Subject and Keywords = spisy osobowe] OR [Title = Kalendarz Przemyski za rok 1914, R. 1]

Number of results: 4 759

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